Symphonia is an intriguing chapter in the rapidly-evolving story of spirits production in the British Isles. Located in the heartland of Northern Ireland, this distillery is distinguished by its innovative approach to creating spirits and its commitment to sustainable practices.
Symphonia is the brainchild of Dr. Ric Dyer, a scientist who turned his skills from pharmaceuticals to distillation, with an aim to create spirits that truly capture the essence of the ingredients they're made from. Nestled in the quiet County Tyrone, at the Benburb Valley, the distillery is uniquely positioned to draw inspiration from the rich botanical wealth of its surroundings.
What truly sets Symphonia apart is its embrace of cutting-edge technology. Dr. Dyer employs a method called 'cold distillation', a process that distils botanicals at low temperatures, preserving their delicate flavours and aromas that could be lost with traditional distillation methods. This scientific approach ensures that each bottle of Symphonia spirits is a harmonious blend of flavours and aromas, capturing the essence of its raw ingredients.