Isawa Japanese Blended Whiskey Whisky 50cl

Japanese Whisky • 50cl • 40%
Product details
Isawa Japanese Blended Whiskey
Country Japanese Whisky
Distillery/Brand Monde Shuzo
Style Blended Whisky

Isawa Blended Whisky

A fragrant and lightly spiced Isawa blended whisky created at the Monde Shuzo distillery in Japan.

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Reviews for Isawa Japanese Blended Whiskey
This stuff is like a knife fight in a bottle.
Master of Malt Customer
8 years ago
Sold Out ? Thank God !
This is the worst Whisky I have ever tasted, and I have tasted hundreds of all over the world, including from Bhutan, and I enjoy big bold drams. I would not be surprised if this was actually the worst Whisky in the world. It tastes like ground-up tyres diluted in turpentine.
Master of Malt Customer
9 years ago
Very unusual
It's unusual this one, not like any whisky I have tried before. That can go one of 2 ways and unfortunately it falls on the side of bad. Earthy, spicy and metallic, with a hint of sake in there also. It didn't do it for me.
Master of Malt Customer
10 years ago
This whisky is a real individual. It certainly is fragrant with floral notes, parma violets, leather and I would even say shoe polish. Under no circumstances would I say rubber though. I could neither confirm nor deny whether is smells of "tire" due to my unfamiliarity with tires, lest this whisky double as a benzodiazepine. The palate is equally soft and fragrant and I would recommend this highly to anybody looking for something different.
Master of Malt Customer
11 years ago
The worst whisky ever if we can call it a whisky
I would rather consider it as a tire liquor or any anything else based on rubber...
Master of Malt Customer
11 years ago