Nose Zingy orange (marmalade-esque) is swiftly overtaken by a rich and earthy chocolate undertone. Hints of vanilla-rich cake and just a touch of almondy-goodness. A solid backbone of juniper brings up the rear.
Palate Jaffa cakes! Perhaps not surprising, but the resemblance is uncanny. Nice balance and great poise. The flavour never oversteps the mark - this is still resolutely 'a gin'. Delicately sweet - not sickly or in any way liqueur-like.
Finish The orange-y palate fades into unctuous hot cocoa, and a note of bitter dark chocolate remains to the last, ably shored up by the piney tang from the juniper.
Overall Does what it says on the tin, this one. Nicely integrated, and extremely crowd-pleasing.