Ledaig 1996 - Connoisseurs Choice (Gordon and MacPhail) Whisky 70cl

Scotch Whisky • 70cl • 46%
Product details
Ledaig 1996 - Connoisseurs Choice (Gordon and MacPhail)
Country Scotch Whisky
Region Island Whisky
Distillery/Brand Tobermory
Bottler Gordon & MacPhail
Distillation Date 1996
Style Single Malt Whisky
Bottling Date 2013

Ledaig 1996 (G&M)

Hang on, what's this? It's says this whisky is from the Ledaig Distillery on this bottle produced by Gordon and MacPhail! But that's made at the Tobermory distillery, Ledaig is just the name they use for their peated expressions! However, the distillery was originally called the Ledaig distillery, so they are probably using the traditional name for this bottling. Clever, eh?

Allergy information

This product does not contain any notifiable allergens
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Reviews for Ledaig 1996 - Connoisseurs Choice (Gordon and MacPhail)
Tastes like peat
Spicy olive notes, hints of seaweed and brine. Smooth texture with a high viscosity touch. A touch of water brings out apricot and nectar.
Master of Malt Customer
10 years ago