Grant's Signature Whisky 70cl

Scotch Whisky • 70cl • 40%
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Grant's Signature
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Country Scotch Whisky
Region Scotch Whisky
Distillery/Brand Grant's
Style Blended Whisky

Grant's Signature

A simple, easy to drink blend from the Grant's brand, made to appeal to a wider audience of whisky drinkers. Despite this, the Signature remains rather flavoursome with malty, creamy notes of honey and Victoria sponge.

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Reviews for Grant's Signature
Decent, easy drinking
I really enjoyed this.

Pleasant on the nose and on the palate, with a hint of smoke. Leftovers smell great in the glass afterwards, which I always think is a good sign. As another reviewer said, I wouldn't buy a bottle, but I'm surprised at some of the very negative reviews.

Part of a Drinks By The Dram set given to me as a present.
Sam D , United Kingdom
2 years ago
A drinkable whisky with fun sweet flavours. Wouldn't buy a bottle, but happy to drink when offered.
Kevin A , United Kingdom
4 years ago
Recommend !
One of the best whiskeys i have tasted! Aftershave toilet water Odor reminds me of sake, either you love or hate it. First drop hitting your tongue gives you some whiskey bite, but afterward smooth silkyness balances it quite smoothly. Similar smoothness I was getting from good vsop cognac- a drink with character but smooth enough
Andrius , Lithuania
5 years ago
Appealing to a wide audience says it all
"made to appeal to a wider audience of whisky drinkers." - whenever something is made to appeal to a wide audience you can tell it's bland garbage, and Grants is no exception. Like W&M it's a disposable alcoholic liquid which is made to be consumed, not enjoyed. Throw it in with cocktails and soda so you can save the nice stuff.
Master of Malt Customer
6 years ago
Always on the lookout for affordable whisky's I really liked this one, though somewhat influenced by the text on the package, was reported to taste of biscuits and I like biscuits.
Fred Feenstra , Netherlands
7 years ago
grant whisky
Superbly smooth.
Master of Malt Customer
8 years ago
Good value for money
Master of Malt Customer
8 years ago
grants signature
Takes my taste buds for a waltz every sip
Master of Malt Customer
8 years ago
Perfectly acceptable
Just having my first taste now. Perhaps not a first grade whisky, but certainly not garbage, and thoroughly drinkable with a drop of still water. I'm enjoying it...
Michael I , United Kingdom
8 years ago
Prefer No.1 and No. 2
Found this somewhat bland and characterless. More like a coloured Vodka in some ways. Very disappointed but can still finish the bottle. No. 1 and No. 2 are much better whiskies.
Richard W , United Kingdom
8 years ago