Behold! A groundbreaking release from Fuenteseca, master distiller Enrique Fonseca set out to create some of the world's longest aged Tequila when producing this extra añejo – it's certainly the oldest we've seen here at MoM Towers. Distilled from agave which was mostly planted all the way back in 1984 and harvested in late 1993, Fonseca opted for double-column stills to ensure a spirit that would mature comfortably over decades to come. The distillation took place in early 1994 and the Tequila was filled into casks in February of that year. After a decade resting in a dry earthen floor aging room, the casks were transferred to higher altitudes and a cooler climate, for a further 11 years, eventually being bottled up in 2014 at a ripe old age of 21 years old. It's not a fast turnaround to produce Tequila at the best of times, and this expression here is a truly unique and masterful labor of love.