Tovaritch! (which means ‘comrade’ in Russian) is a vodka brand with over 145 industry awards, which it claims makes it the most highly awarded vodka. It was made to a traditional family recipe that can be traced back generations, to Count Jule Rene Litta (the Order of Malta's ambassador to Empress Catherine II in the late 18th century), who created vodka with the master distillers of the imperial court.
In 1998, the Marquis Eugenio Litta Modignani, a descendant of Jules Rene Litta, rediscovered the family recipe and decided to create a modern vodka brand: Tovaritch! Modignani remains the CEO of Tovaritch!, which was relaunched after years of painstaking refinement in 2000. Following the attacks by Russia on Ukraine in February 2022, the brand relocated from St Petersburg to Riga, Latvia, where it is made today. There’s secondary storage and a HQ in Geneva, Switzerland, which is where the company that owns the brand, Tovaritch Spirits International, is based.
The Tovaritch! production process is backed by European traceability and the Baltic States collation, which guarantees only 100% wheat is used without mixing. The vodka is distilled five times and then blended and filtered.