Debowa, known for its skilled spirit distilling, has launched Timberman whisky. This whisky blends the brand's heritage, rich history, and focus on quality.Timberman brings to mind vast forests. Debowa means "oak" in Polish. The brand takes inspiration from the oak tree's strength and resilience. This influence is key in Timberman's making. It affects the choice of grains and the barrels for ageing.Drinking Timberman is like walking through Poland's dense forests. It has rich, woody flavours with a touch of spice. It finishes smoothly. Timberman is both strong and smooth.
The brand continues Debowa's tradition. The brand makes spirits that reflect Poland's landscapes and history. They also show Debowa's commitment to quality and innovation. For whisky fans and Debowa followers, Timberman is more than a drink. It celebrates craftsmanship and heritage.