Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Todmorden Moor lies a tale as enthralling as the landscape itself. This story, deeply interwoven with the spirits said to roam these lands, has inspired the evocative essence behind Folklore Society Gin. A potion not just of botanicals, but also of history and mysticism.
At the heart of this tale stands Lady Sybil of Bernshaw Tower. An emblem of beauty, she was a soul enraptured by the allure of the wild moors. A profound connection to nature led her down a path few dared to tread; she traded her very soul for the enigmatic power of witchcraft. This gift granted her the coveted ability to transform, to meld into the landscape she loved, and assume any form she desired.
While Lady Sybil sought solace in the embrace of nature, others were drawn to a different aspect of her world: the wealth and prestige of the Bernshaw Tower estate. Among the many suitors who sought her hand and the riches that came with it, one man's persistence would change her fate forever: William Towneley. With the aid of the wise Mother Helston, Towneley embarked on a quest on All Hallows’ Eve, leading him to the mysterious white doe, an embodiment of Lady Sybil's magical transformation.
The chase that ensued, culminating in Towneley's capture of the doe and the subsequent revelation of Lady Sybil's secret, was only the beginning. The forced union between Lady Sybil and Towneley saw the former promise to abandon her magical ways. But nature's call, ever potent, couldn't be ignored for long. The village whispered of midnight escapades of a mysterious cat raiding their dairies, a form Lady Sybil often assumed.
Fate took another twist when the miller’s son, in his pursuit of the thieving feline, inadvertently discovered Lady Sybil’s secret. The gruesome revelation, a severed hand that transformed back to its human form, exposed her witchcraft once more. Though Lady Sybil managed to summon the remnants of her power to heal herself, a scarlet mark remained – a perpetual testament to her otherworldly abilities.
The tragedy of Lady Sybil's life found its somber conclusion upon her death. Denied a traditional burial due to her mystical practices, she was interred at the very site of her unmasking. To this day, legend has it that every Halloween, a ghostly doe can be seen, echoing the past, sprinting across Todmorden Moor.
Folklore Society Gin, inspired by this captivating tale, seeks to bottle the spirit and essence of this story. Each sip is an ode to Lady Sybil's dual nature – her nobility and her mystical connection to the land. It is a testament to the Folklore Society’s commitment to intertwining heritage with spirits, creating an elixir that resonates with history, mystery, and the enchanting beauty of Todmorden Moor.