Yes, we all know the pirate tropes. And it is fun to talk like one. But rum is far more than comedy lingo and skull and cross bones. Here’s why the drink should be on your ‘serious’ imbibing list…

We’ve been chatting like pirates all day here at MoM Towers. And for a good cause. Not just for lolz (although it has been entertaining), but because we come to you with a very important message, and we needed to grab your attention. Here goes: rum is more than just a silly pirate stereotype.

Many a rum brand has ridden the pirate wave (as well as a handful of gins, vodkas and liqueurs – as you’ll see in the blog post from the Cap’n earlier today). And for good reason. For a good few years rum has been all about the partying and the sugar high – good times and quick, easy drinks. But times are changing. Those in the drinks biz talk a lot about the ‘premiumisation’ of rum. All quarters, from Tiki connoisseurs to purveyors of splendid sippers, are celebrating as more and more drinkers start to realise the wonder of rum beyond shots and cola.

What’s wrong with rum and coke? Nothing, fundamentally. No serve becomes that popular without good reason – it tastes good. But what if the next rum you tasted you approached as if it was a whisky, or a cocktail, or a gin, or a fancy Tequila? Because whether it’s aged, unaged, spiced, Agricole or something else, there’s a whole wealth of flavour experiences to dig into.

Still need convincing? Here are the rums you, our discerning drinkers and customers, adore, in your own unedited words. It’s like the best sort of recommendation. You’re welcome!

La Hechicera Fine Aged Rum

La Hechicera

“This is a beautiful, elegant rum. It showed well with coffee cream toffee, slightly solvent fruitiness, dry wood with hints of dried citrus fruit peel. Elegant herbal and tobacco leaf notes before long finish of spice, cocoa dust, banana toffee.”

Pusser’s 15 Year Old


“I love my malt whiskies, I love my good bourbons and I love my rums but this is just sublime. Smooth, fruity, sweet and yummy with no added flavourings. I think at £40 a bottle you get what you pay for. Beautiful.”

Santiago de Cuba 11 Years Old Añejo Superior

Santiago de Cuba

“This is, far and away, the most amazing rum I’ve ever had the pleasure to sip. It is more akin to a fine whiskey than rum. I was introduced to Santiago during a weeklong trip to Havana and Vinales in the fall of 2016 where the locals pretty well agreed that it was the best available.”

English Harbour 5 Year Old

English Harbour

“This rum is like swallowing liquid gold – it slips down effortlessly with no tacky sweetness and so smooth with a delicious feel of pure sunshine.”

Havana Club Seleccion de Maestros

Havana Club

“The best Rum you could ever ask for, whether you are sitting around with a good cigar, or having a after dinner drink. Chilled is the best way to enjoy the absolute flavor!”