Our beloved Burns Night Poetry Competition 2024 has drawn to a close. We have picked our winners. We’d like to thank all who submitted words inspired by the Scottish bard and whisky and say congratulations to our champions, who have bagged some tremendous bottles.
Just a reminder, here’s what was up for grabs:
Winner: Talisker 25 Year Old
Runner-up 1: Dalmore King Alexander III
Runner-up 2: Deanston 21 Year Old 2000 Organic
Runner-up 3: Aberlour A’Bunadh Alba
Runner-up 4: Wolfie’s Blended Scotch Whisky – First Release (Signed by Sir Rod Stewart)

A bottle of Talisker 25 Year Old awaits our winner!
By our count over 2,000 poems were submitted. You really wanted that bottle of Talisker!
But there is something we need to address. The computer-generated elephant in the room. A lot of you submitted poems clearly written by AI. When it comes to a poetry competition, ChatGPT is a cheat, not a muse. A sadly very high number were done this way and obviously were disqualified. This is the kind of thing that makes it very difficult to run a competition like this. We’re not angry, we’re just disappointed.
Another little note, not all of you gave us titles, so we’ve taken the first line. If you have a preferred title, get in touch and we can update your poem.
Our winning Burns Night Competition 2024 poems
Anyway, without further ado, here are the winning poems. Congratulations again. You can read the full poems below.
Winner: Nail polish remover by Richard Foster
Runner-up 1: Tom Campbell and The Devil by Helen Terry
Runner-up 2: Ol’ Mac by Neil Andrews
Runner-up 3: I poured myself a double scotch by Michelle Brown
Runner-up 4: Advice by Eleanor Cantor
1st place – Nail polish remover by Richard Foster
Nail polish remover
Grandad’s old chair
Pear drops and banana sweets
Raspberry custard eclair
Old ladies handbags
Horse stable straw
Mushy peas & gravy
Dusty library corridor
Carburettor oil spill
Wet Wellies in the sun
Beaver gland excretion
Cooked spaghetti (underdone)
Laddered tights (skin tone)
House plant soil mould
Uncle Eric’s toupee
Red brick mansion(old)
Heather (Graham), honey
Pete (bog) Postlethwaite
Harry Enfield’s Loadsamoney
Beckinsale (Kate)
Outer space on Tuesday’s
Ghosts in underwear
Gossip, chat & hearsay
Boy bands in despair
Faith and hope and meaning
Beansprouts in the bath
Back windows that need cleaning
Jimmy Carr’s weird laugh
1-10 in Spanish
“Where’s the bin” in French
Clothes stains washed in Vanish
2nd place: Tom Campbell and The Devil by Helen Terry
Tom Campbell on the Lecker Stone, more patient now than in life.
Silent, still, coffin lashed by sheets of wind blown rain.
Inside, eyes shine, fires crackle, coats steam.
Whisky passes around the inn on a familiar wave of blether.
“Tell us a tale of Tom”.
“Was a hellish time; Tom left the Inn with a heart which was heavy.
Once back at his bothy he’d ne’r go out for fear of catching the plague.
The uisge beatha he took with him to remind him of the hills,
the sound of the stream, the smell of the dew and the comp’ny of fellow men.
With an almighty roar a rippling hulk cast a threatening shadow upon him.
Heart lifted by the golden Liquor, Tom offered a Auld Hangie a dram.
Liking the fire it lit within him, the devil downed the lot.
He smashed the glass and fixed Toms eye as he offered a fight for his soul.
Fearful but seeing Auld Hangie blootered, Tom considered the fight,
What will you give me if I win? “Anything you like”.
“Cure Wigtown of the plague” was Tom’s robust reply.
The deal agreed, Tom set to and battled for his life.
Care free and numb with liquor, the devil bled from his wounds.
As he staggered, Tom thrust a shard of glass and pierced him through his heart.
Next morning our sick were well again. The fearsome plague was gone.
The whole of Wigton went to his bothy and toasted our Tom with a dram.
With his secret weapon, the water of life, he’d turned our lives around.”
3rd place: Ol’ Mac by Neil Andrews
Ol’ Mac sipped a dram by his crackling fireplace,
Persistent aches dulled and with warmth replaced.
All ailments soothed he turned in for the night
But awoke ambling in glorious morning light,
He strolled along a verdant valley trail,
To him a foreign yet familiar vale.
Ol’ Mac peered in a clear, adjacent stream
And was shocked to see a youthful Mac peering back at him.
He continued on toward a fence, high and gated,
Where a dapper gent stood and patiently waited.
“Welcome Mac, we’ve been expecting you.
Firstly, yes, you have passed but not yet passed through.
Now you must choose your next path to follow,
One is your paradise, the other, well, less so…”
The man concluded as Mac trembled inside,
“You may ask but one question to help you decide.”
From the left, peaceful birdsong and lavender scent,
From the right arose laughter, music and merriment.
Mac paused, confused, then it all became clear,
There was only one detail he needed to hear,
Though he knew the question may be forever damning,
Gesturing right, he simply asked, “are they dramming?”
4th place: I poured myself a double scotch by Michelle Brown
I poured myself a double scotch
One day last week at work
My boss told me that’s not allowed
In fact, he went berserk
He started citing silly rules
Of codes and expectation
I suggested a single malt
Might ease his irritation
This was the moment all came clear
And I looked quite the fool
He didn’t have an issue with
My choice of drink at all
And my contract of employment
Evidences why he cursed;
When the whisky’s being poured the
Boss’s glass must be filled first!
5th place: Advice by Eleanor Cantor
Standing at the duty-free shop
with a dad who didn’t care
on our final holiday together
I ask him to recommend a bottle of whisky,
“for who?”
“a friend”
“If it’s a good friend, then this one’s best,”
he regally points to a smoky 12-year-old single malt
that’s way above the budget of an English major,
and does not offer to add it to his cart.
Nor do I ask.
I bring the fancy bottle in a cab
tracing the embossment to avoid the driver
and try not to make a big deal of it,
but place it, nonchalant, by the CD rack
of a man who didn’t care about me
and he drinks half of it that night,
the other half with someone else a weekend later.
& the smoke washes off in the laundry
the taste of malted disappointment lingers…fades…
& 12 years on
I’ve wonderfully matured
and single.