Remember when we gave you a chance to win lots of amazing Darkness whisky? Well, somebody has done just that. And so now it’s time to announce our winner!
Usually, whenever you win big, it’s customary to pop open a bottle of Champagne of something equally fizzy. But when the reason you’re celebrating is that you have a host of lovely new whisky on its way to you that didn’t cost you a penny, it seems more appropriate to pop open the cork of one of your new bottles. Leave the Champers in the fridge and pour yourself a dram, because a prize like this deserves a truly tasty toast.
Those of you who entered our competition will recall that up for grabs was a bottle of Benriach 7 Year Old Oloroso Cask Finish, a bottle of Irish Single Malt 14 Year Old Oloroso Cask Finish, and a bottle of Darkness 8 Year Old. It’s a selection of gloriously sherried treats, each one a spicy, sweet, and rich whisky that will have you singing Sherry Bomb to the tune of this Runaway’s classic.
We hope your prize. We can assure you it’s as good as it looks.
Entry to the competition meant you’ll also have a dram of each to enjoy as well thanks to the delightful new Darkness Tasting Set. This whole thing really was a good idea, wasn’t it? Well, you lucky winner will certainly think so. Speaking of which, that person is…
Cameron Malcolm, from Surrey!
Congrats Cameron, we hope you enjoy your dark and delicious drams. And if you’re somebody who didn’t have lady luck smiling on them this time, be sure to head to our competitions page and see what else you can win!