It’s winner time, folks. Who’s got their hands on some delicious 1862 pre-bottled cocktails? We reveal all…

We love being the bearer of good news. Like when we get to shout about the arrival of wonderful new booze or tell folks they’ve won the prize from one of our many lovely competitions.

Happily, we’re getting to do the latter today by announcing the winner of our 1826 cocktail competition. Just as a refresher, the prize is four bottled cocktails that provide bar-quality booze in a matter of moments. There’s a Cognac Espresso Martini made with Courvoisier, a Smoky French Martini crafted using Laphroaig whisky as well as an Old Fashioned and a Mint Julep that makes use of the delightful Maker’s Mark bourbon. Oh, and a Maker’s Mark bar spoon, a Courvoisier cocktail shaker and a Laphroaig beanie hat!

The winner of a bundle of 1826 booze is...

All of this is now yours!

And not one, but two lucky winners are about to receive a bundle of each. Who are they? Well, it’s…

Jules Eley and Emma Whiteman!

Congratulations to you both. We hope you and your friends enjoy the booze. Don’t forget, you did promise to share…