Master of Cocktails Christmas Panacea

Right then folks, you’ve had a day to assemble the bottles we’ll be needing for the prep for the upcoming #MasterofCocktails – This is really the ‘Christmas Panacea’ you’ve been dreaming of.

If you’re anything like me, there’ll be a seemingly endless procession of loved-ones throughout the Christmas period and ‘another Baileys’ only works so far. So – we’re going to make ourselves a cask of Martinez. Because, well, you know… Stir, strain and serve rocks.

Now – I’ve cheated a bit here, and taken a 1-litre oak cask and pre-seasoned it with Vodka. It’s been pre-seasoned, as the oak-influence of a new cask would totally overwhelm a subtle cocktail. The vodka’s been in there for a few days, at room-temperature. Time to empty it.

Master of Cocktails Little Cask

The colour of this after only a wee while is staggering:

Master of Cocktails Vodka

As you can see, those casks are a *generous* 1 litres. We’ll need to build accordingly:

Master of Cocktails Litre

So – I’m going to be making a 2:1 Martinez – I reckon this is a decent compromise between the original, and ‘new’ recipe. I mentioned that there was a great degree of latitude here with gin and vermouth choices. I’ll just tell you what I’m going with, but bear in mind this is tuned to my personal tastes of course.

If you need a refresher, here’s what I’m going to be using…

Master of Cocktails Ingredients

We’ll be needing these…

List of Ingredients

Right then. I reckon the cask probably held about 1.4 litres when filled to the top, so I’m going to base my recipe on that. I’m going to start from the bottom up on this one, just to make sure I don’t skimp on the bitters or Maraschino owing to imprecise measurements. First up, 15ml of Dr Adam Elmegirab’s Boker’s Bitters.

Master of Cocktails Bitters

Next, Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur. 100ml.

Master of Cocktails Maraschino

At this point, or shortly hereafter, you’re going to get an urge to add some ‘other stuff’ to the cask. Citrus peel for example. Cherries. All sorts. STOP. Give yourself a dry slap, and carry on. Fresh ingredients in casks, not so much. Add them at the end. That way, they’ll be, you know, ‘fresh’.

So now I’m going to add the Vermouth portion of the blend. I reckon about 400ml is right. I’m going to use 70:30 Gran Lusso:Sacred.

Master of Cocktails

Now the gin. I’ve got three here. FEW American, Ransom Old Tom, and Tanqueray No. Ten.

Master of Cocktails Gin Gin Gin

I’m going 50:40:10 Tanqueray:Ransom:FEW. I want big cardamommy-goodness from the Ransom, the smooth citrus from the Tanqueray and the dirty-whitedog-richness from the FEW. The sum is much greater than the parts here.

So. I’m building to 800ml of Gin. Here goes.

Master of Cocktails Gin

Okay – I’m a bit shy of the top here. Need to add something…

Master of Cocktails Little Barrel

Monkey 47 Dry Gin…why not… It is Christmas after all…

Master of Cocktails

Done. Full.

Master of Cocktails Little Barrel

Bung goes in the top, then leave it alone until next week…

Master of Cocktails Little Barrel

(Using the power of time travel, we can see how you’ll want to go about serving your Cask-Aged Martinez right here.)
