The marvellous minds at Midleton have unveiled a new series of Irish whiskey which “…aims to harness the creativity of Midleton’s whiskey masters through the fresh talent of its apprentices.”
They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Irish whiskey legends Midleton clearly do not subscribe to that train of thought if their freshly announced series of bottlings is anything to go by. The Method and Madness range is about giving in to the curiosity and experimental nature of whiskey production, with a careful mind to the history of expertise that can be found at the Midleton distillery.
What’s more, Midleton’s whiskey masters and hot-shot up-and-comers will continue to experiment at the micro distillery in Midleton, which will let them test new spirit types and ageing in new cask types. The result will be more Method and Madness releases. Yes, we’re ridiculously excited too.
The four initial Method and Madness bottlings are…
Nose: New pencil shavings, light rose petal and fresh rain on pine
Palate: Warm toasted oak, fresh peeled grapefruit and zesty wood spices
Finish: Sweet cereal, clove spiciness and fresh mint
Nose: Freshly shelled peanut and cereal malt aroma
Palate: Cracked cinnamon stick and ice cream cone wafer
Finish: Fragrant bon bons and a hint of tasted barley
Nose: Red Liquorice laces, Fresh Rosemary mint and grated root ginger
Palate: Sweet fruit and spice, cinnamon toast and ripe banana
Finish: Aromatic green tea, dissipating fruit and spice and rich wood farewell
Nose: Crisp floral, black liquorice and succulent fruit
Palate: Creamy honey, wood spice and honeydew melon
Finish: Endless dark wood, lingering fruit and gentle spices
We’ll let you know when we get these in stock and you can get your hands on them (if we can stop Jake from hoarding them all like a dragon hoards gold).
The Chaps at Master of Malt