The turn of September brings about cooler weather, colourful leaves, dinner pies and another month of Master of Malt’s Dram Club! Let’s see what’s in store for members in September.
It happens every year. Someone in the office accidentally glances at a calendar and an announces with surprise “Goodness gracious, it’s September already!” This plants a silent seed of panic in the heart of every living being in ear-shot, because somehow it’s bloomin’ September already. Set that panic aside for one moment, however, as there’s some joy that comes with that scary fact – another month of our Dram Club!

If you’re curious about what Dram Club members will be receiving in September, read on. If you’ve just noticed that “member” and “September” rhyme, then you’re in the same boat as us and one step close to achieving that life-long ambition to become poet laureate. Good job. Read on, nevertheless.

Master of Malt Dram Club

Master of Malt Dram Club – Whisky (£29.95 per month)


Dram Club Whisky for September:


Master of Malt Dram Club

Master of Malt Dram Club – Premium Whisky (£49.95 per month)


Dram Club Premium Whisky for September:


Master of Malt Dram Club

Master of Malt Dram Club – Old & Rare Whisky (£99.95 per month)


Dram Club Old & Rare Whisky for September:


Master of Malt Dram Club

Master of Malt Dram Club – Gin (£24.95 per month)


Dram Club Gin for September:


Master of Malt Dram Club

Master of Malt Dram Club – Rum (£29.95 per month)


Dram Club Rum for September:


That’s your lot. Enjoy September, and remember – “Member” and “September” also rhyme with “Remember”.

The Chaps at Master of Malt