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Master of Malt Dram Club – July 2017

Take a look at what our Dram Club members will be receiving in July’s Dram Club Tasting Sets!
July has rolled around rather quickly this year, and we’re not sure why. We’re fairly certain the Earth hasn’t sped up its rotation or been sucked into some sort of space-time-continuum-altering vacuum, so let’s go with the classic “Time flies when you’re having fun” excuse. A positive aspect of this is that it’s already time to reveal the contents of July’s Dram Club Tasting Sets!

Since launching Dram Club last month, improvements have already been suggested and enacted. We’ve introduced monthly subscriptions for each of the delicious drink varieties, meaning there could be an indefinite amount of whisky, gin or rum in your future – an appetising prospect. We’ve got even more exciting plans in the pipeline, so keep your eyes peeled. But forget the future for a second. Let’s focus on the here and now – what will Dram Club members be receiving this month? Regard:

Master of Malt Dram Club – Whisky (£29.95 per month)


Dram Club Whiskies for July:


Master of Malt Dram Club – Premium Whisky (£49.95 per month)


Dram Club Premium Whiskies for July:


Master of Malt Dram Club – Old & Rare Whisky (£99.95 per month)


Dram Club Old & Rare Whiskies for July:


Master of Malt Dram Club – Gin (£24.95 per month)


Dram Club Gins for July:


Master of Malt Dram Club – Rum (£29.95 per month)


Dram Club Whiskies for Rum:


A rather tasty assortment, if we do say so ourselves. Enjoy July. If you’re off on your summer holidays, bring us back an exotic hat.

The Chaps at Master of Malt

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