Bitters, bitters, bitters. We’ve made some bitters!
Hurrah! As lovers of the fine whisky/whiskey cocktail, we knew it was time to make our first foray into the land of bitters. So, at great length, we created what we at Master of Malt consider to be the finest bitters for making of whisky cocktails, KNOWN TO MANKIND.
In fact, these are (to our knowledge), the highest alcoholic proof bitters, which are the most costly to make and the most expensive to buy, ever! Oh yes…
“But, Master of Malt, how did you create this wondrous bitters?”
Well, sit down my boy, and we shall tell you a tale…
First we selected the finest ingredients in the world (we may or may not have had to trek through jungles, cross treacherous ravines, negotiate bears and manhandle elephants to procure them). Using various combinations of herbs, spices and fruits, macerated in either 8 year old bourbon, overproof dark rum or vodka, we began piecing together our bitters. The main ingredients include loads of fresh vanilla pods, too much cinnamon, way too many cloves, and two (yes, two) different kinds of orange peel.
The final blend was carefully chosen, and then it was cask-married (for balance) in a cask that previously contained a 38 year old Glen Grant!
We’ve also bottled them with pipettes, so you scientific mixologist types can dispense your bitters with precision, as opposed to soaking your entire worlds with bitters (with those awkward shaker bottles).
Neil Ridley at has already tasted our bitters, and has written up his notes here. Having been through a particularly traumatic period in his life, we at Master of Malt would like to wish Bobby, his cat (also known as the Great Catsby), a speedy recovery. (If you click here, there’s a nice picture of Bobby wearing a handsome bowtie, showing that even Mr Ridley has a rival in the sartorial stakes!).
Master of Malt Cask-Aged Whisky Bitters 1st Edition 46.2%
Here are tasting notes from
We’ve bottled our bitters in two sizes; a large 100ml bottle (for £9.95) for you cocktail fanatics and a smaller 50ml bottle (for £5.95) for those who tend not to use bitters that often, but still demand the best!
Please enjoy the most potent, costly to make and expensive bitters the world has to offer.
Godspeed all!
– The Chaps at Master of Malt –