Master of Cocktails The Spiced Black Truffle Palmetto

This week’s drink (a day later than usual due to the bank holiday) is a twist on a Palmetto recipe, using the amazing Rumbullion! XO rum along with a couple of superb vermouths, and Bitter Bastards Black Truffle Bitters. The Black truffle notes add a superb, almost ethereal balance to the drink that makes it probably my favourite creation of the last few months.

It’s a simple drink to make, which I’m sure will be welcome after last week’s (and next week’s) more prep-heavy drinks.

Master of Cocktails Ingredients Next Week

You’ll be needing these…

List of Ingredients

So, to business then. First up – 40ml of the really rather excellent Rumbullion! XO 15yo.

Master of Cocktails Rumbullion! XO

Followed by 20ml Martini Gran Lusso.

Master of Cocktails Martini Gran Lusso

And 20ml Sacred Vermouth. These balance each other perfectly, and this drink is all about balance.

Master of Cocktails Sacred Spiced English Vermouth

Finally, 3 full pipettes of Black Truffle Bitters from the Bitter Bastards range.

Master of Cocktails Bitter Bastards Black Truffle Bitters

This is a full pipette, FTAOD…

Master of Cocktails Bitter Bastards Pipette

Sling into a stirring glass along with a couple of handfuls of ice, and stir for 30 seconds or so.

Master of Cocktails Stir

Now strain into a martini glass.

Master of Cocktails Strain

Finally, express an orange twist over the glass, and discard.

Master of Cocktails Express

The Spiced Black Truffle Palmetto. A solid 10.

Master of Cocktails The Spiced Black Truffle Palmetto




You can find all the ingredients we’ll be using next week on #MasterofCocktails just below, as well as the prep mentioned above (nothing too strenuous):

Master of Cocktails Next Week

Next week, you’ll be needing these…
Caviar, Sugar Syrup, Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva, a Lime and some Bananas (see below)…

What you’ll actually be (ideally) needing is a big old whunk of dehydrated banana. Ideally, you’ll want an Andrew James food dehydrator for this, but an oven set to 55c would do…

Master of Cocktails Dehydrating Bananas

Top tip – run the slices (taken longitudinally) through a bowl of lemon juice before you dehydrate them. It’ll look prettier that way.
