Master of Cocktails Pina Colada

This week’s #MasterofCocktails is a bank holiday treat – Piña Coladas! Now, there are two reasonably important ‘tricks’ to this drink, well, one really…

The first trick is NO ICE. We’re not using any in the preparation of this drink – instead we’re using frozen pineapple. The second trick is to use an uber-ripe pineapple. All of the sweetness from this drink comes from the fruit. So, like I said – sort of one trick, but nevertheless.

We’re also going to be weighing all the ingredients this time around, just for ease of reference.

Master of Cocktails Pina Colada ingredients

You’ll be needing these…

List of Ingredients

So – to start off with – we’ll take 50g of Coconut milk in a plastic jug.

Master of Cocktails Coconut Milk

Add to that 60g of Havana Club 3yo, and give it a quick stir.

Master of Cocktails Havana Club Anejo 3 year old

The reason we’re blending these two now is to stop the frozen pineapple from shock-freezing the coconut milk, which means we won’t end up with big hunks of frozen coconut in it. This is a good thing. Trust me.

Now 125g of Pineapple. Cut it up first and you’ll save your blender a load of bother.

Master of Cocktails Frozen Pineapple

There we are…

Master of Cocktails measure frozen pineapple

Now grab yourself a decent stick blender and give it a whizz.

Master of Cocktails blend

Pour into a suitable glass – you can see we’ve got a sort of ‘thickshake’ consistency.

Master of Cocktails Pour

Dribble about 10ml of Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva rum over the top.

Master of Cocktails Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva

Now drop a Maraschino Cherry in, and boom. We’re there.

Master of Cocktails Luxardo Maraschino Cherry

The Piña Colada. Happy Bank Holiday Everyone.

Master of Cocktails Pina Colada




Remember you can always play along on Sunday nights – just follow #MasterofCocktails or @MasterOfMalt on twitter from 6pm – here’s what we’ll be using next week:

Master of Cocktails Next Week

Next week, you’ll be needing these…
Luxardo Maraschino Cherries, St. George Spirits Absinthe Verte, Bathtub Gin, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao, Noilly Prat Vermouth, a lemon
