Master of Cocktails Eggnog cocktail

Last week, we gave you the choice between a classic summer cocktail or something more wintery and, overwhelmingly, the good people of twitter voted for a winter #MasterofCocktails option. So, last night we made the ultimate Eggnog!

The clocks had just gone back and the #UKStorm2013 was approaching so it did indeed seem the perfect time to batten down the hatches and mix up a classic winter warmer whilst we waited for all this to blow over.

The entire recipe can be found below, and apologies that it’s been posted slightly later than usual – the bloody storm has evidently even affected our blog posts!

On to the ‘nog!

Master of Cocktails Eggnog ingredients

You’ll be needing these…

List of Ingredients

We’re using raw egg, so make certain it’s lion-marked. This is what you’re looking for:

Master of Cocktails lion-marked egg

First thing is to measure out 60ml of whole milk. Pour this into the metal part of your shaker.

Master of Cocktails pouring whole milk

We’re doing this to let it warm up. When we dry-shake the ingredients, the milk has a tendency to expand and make mess if it’s still too cool. Give it a bit of a swirl about to get as much heat into it as possible.

Next, measure out 50ml of your chosen brandy.

Master of Cocktails measuring brandy

This goes into the shaker with the milk.

Master of Cocktails pouring brandy

Now measure 10ml of Rumbullion! rum. Normal or Navy-Strength would do.

These are packed with Christmassy spices such as clove, cardamom and cinnamon, giving a Christmassy feel to the drink without adding any powdery spices to the liquid.

Master of Cocktails measuring Rumbullion

Then 20ml of sugar syrup. Home-made or Monin, either’s good.

Master of Cocktails pouring sugar syrup

Next up, a whole egg. Don’t worry if you get any shell in, we’re double-straining this one.

Now dry-shake. No ice. This emulsifies before we add ice. Makes it smoother and frothier.

Master of Cocktails dry shake

Keep a tight hold on it when shaking. Ice has a sealing effect due to the reduced air-pressure but you won’t have that here… You have been warned!

Master of Cocktails dry shaking

Now we’re going to add ice.

Master of Cocktails shake with ice

So, now shake again, until the shaker frosts up in the outside…

Master of Cocktails frosted up can

Then double-strain the drink into a tumbler.

Master of Cocktails double strain

Finally, grate some fresh nutmeg (you can use ground if you don’t have fresh).

Master of Cocktails grating nutmeg

And sprinkle just a tiny bit onto the top.

Master of Cocktails sprinkling nutmeg

This is enough. Don’t overdo it!

Master of Cocktails nutmeg garnish

There we have it. Eggnog. An absolute classic. Rich, creamy, smooth and warming. Perfect.

Master of Cocktails Eggnog


Some top suggestions for ways to modify this too. @mixxit_wayne suggests freshly ground coriander seeds instead of nutmeg, whilst @trisstephenson suggests either orange flower water, or using absinthe instead of Rumbullion.

Last but not least, the ingredients for next week’s #MasterofCocktails. I think we’ll go with this little lot:

Master of Cocktails next week's ingredients

Next week you’ll be needing these…

St. George Dry Rye Gin, Sacred Spiced English Vermouth, Fernet-Branca and an Orange.
