Master of Cocktails Cask Aged Martinez

Right then – time for this week’s #MasterofCocktails, where we will be making a Cask-Aged Martinez. Now this week’s drink is going to take probably 2 minutes to prepare, as we’ve done all the prep. already. Clever us. If you’ve not done your homework yet or need a bit of a refresher on what you’ll been needing in your cask (available here), have a look at the Prep. Blog Post I made early last week for the recipe.

Once you’re up to speed, we can begin. Go on. I can wait… Ready? Lovely.

All week, the cask’s been sitting up there on the shelf, quietly maturing…

Master of Cocktails Cask Aged Martinez

…and now’s its chance to shine. So… Start by taking a stirring glass packed with ice:

Master of Cocktails Ice

Now loosen the bung (fnaar), and pour a nice measure into the measuring glass:

Master of Cocktails Cask


Master of Cocktails Stir


Master of Cocktails Strain

A twist of orange peel…

Master of Cocktails Citrus Twist

…And serve.

Master of Cocktails Cask Aged Martinez


It’s that easy. That was about 2 minutes, with tweeting as well. Trust me – this will be an absolute boon over Christmas.

The cask development thus far is quite light, but will increase with time of course. As you go along, you can re-top the cask with gins and vermouths per your preference… In a moment of madness, you could even add some Fernet? Just don’t tell anyone.

Tune in on Sunday for another exciting instalment of #MasterofCocktails, where we will be using these treats…

Master of Cocktails Next Week

Next week, you’ll be needing these…
Hudson Manhattan Rye, Noble Tonic 01: Tuthilltown Bourbon Barrel Matured Maple Syrup, Bitter Bastards Cinnamon Bitters, Smoked Streaky Bacon and an Orange.
