Glenmorangie Whisky reveals its new global campaign today starring Harrison Ford

The cinematic legend takes the lead role in a series of episodic films called Once Upon a Time in Scotland, directed by actor and filmmaker Joel Edgerton.

It’s another celebrity whisky partnership. A lot of people will sound the alarm at that sentence. But we really liked how this campaign played against the public perception of both Scotch whisky, and indeed Ford, who are both so often cast merely as gruff, serious characters when each has plenty of charm. 

We see that in this series, which pokes fun at whisky’s usual serious self as Ford stumbles through Scottish clichés of kilt etiquette and tricky pronunciations like a champ. All while enjoying a dram or two, of course. I never thought I’d see Han Solo demand a castle in the Highlands, but here we are.  

Harrison Ford is the new face of Glenmorangie Whisky

Glen Solo? That was rubbish, come back to me.

Appearing alongside Ford, the Highland distillery’s team steps in front of the camera, proving they’re not just whisky pros but also good sports. The brand’s flagship single malt Scotch whiskies, Glenmorangie Original 12 Years Old and Glenmorangie Infinita 18 Years Old also get their fair share of screen time. 

“I loved working with the team at the distillery — they were all great. The whole process of filming was full of unanticipated joys: little unexpected moments. It’s a tribute to Glenmorangie’s sensibilities that they let us be less than totally serious. I think what Joel has produced has a certain charm to it, because it’s unpretentious and just amusing,” Ford commented. 

You can watch the trailer below. By the way, is anyone else thinking about that scene where Ford drinks whisky from a futuristic bottle and glass in Blade Runner now?