Remember when we reported that The Macallan had launched the most unbelievable collection of whiskies you’re ever likely to see in your life? Yeah, well we’ve just got some of them in. No, really.
The Macallan is a brand that truly understands how to get us whisky lovers all hot and bothered. There are few distilleries who can cause a stir like the Speyside giants when it launches a limited-edition expression or breaks yet another auction record. But the brand managed to out-do itself back in October when it revealed The Red Collection. Seriously, who else could produce a range in which the youngest bottling is 40-years-old and the oldest is 78-years-old? The latter is the oldest bottling ever released in the history of the distillery, and it just so happens that we have one. In fact, we were lucky enough to get a small allocation of the following:
The Macallan 40 Year Old – The Red Collection
The Macallan 50 Year Old – The Red Collection
The Macallan 71 Year Old – The Red Collection
The Macallan 78 Year Old – The Red Collection

The Red Collection is one of the most astonishing ranges of whisky we’ve ever seen
But, given the demand for these was always going to be insanely high and the supply is scarce, we won’t be offering these beauties to you in the usual manner. Instead, we’ll be doing one of the things we do best. Selling remarkable booze as part of a charity auction (for a little more detail on why we’re doing this, check out our handy little sweary blog post from 2016). This means everything over RRP (net of any applicable VAT) going to Hospitality Action, which offers a crucial lifeline to people of all ages, working and retired, from the hospitality industry. It’s a cause that we’re obviously very supportive of and I’m sure you can all imagine why it’s as important now as it has ever been.
Auction Timeline:
As usual, the excitement will take place on the individual product pages, which are all located on our handy Macallan The Red Collection page (all timings are GMT). Oh, and please remember to use the same email address to bid as the one you intend to purchase with. For more info, check our terms of business.
Be sure to pop the times in your calendar, and good luck to everyone taking part!